Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Definitive Absence

Just as an advanced warning, I will be down in Washington DC on the 21st. I will be in the same costume I am wearing in my profile pic, holding a sign that says 'The GOP are a Blight on our Country'. Keep an eye out for me!

Asparagus (Fascination)

I love Horror. Whether it be words on paper, actors on the big silver screen, or even a video game, if the story has got the right touches, I'm going to enjoy it. I particularly like supernatural, sci-fi, and eldritch horror stories. I find them to be chilling reminders that we humans are not 'all that'. There are things that are more than likely bigger, stronger, and smarter than we are, somewhere out there in the vast universe. We humans just aren't aware of them yet. And perhaps, that's a good thing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Hello, and welcome to my Blog! My name is Charis, which is an archaic name that means 'Grace and kindness'. I have Asperger's Syndrome, a form of High-end Autism, so if I come off strange, it's because I am strange. I am also a huge fan of Horror, in its many forms. Halloween is my favorite time of the year, and I'd like to think I would be the 'Final Girl' in a Slasher Flick. I am likely going to post whenever I feel like something interesting has happened. See you guys later!